For years now, I have been wondering how some people can last for more than three months together. I mean..I admit that when i see couples who are madly in love with each other and especially if they look cute together, I get envious. For sheez!! How many times should I mention this fact: " I've never been in a relationship that lasted for more than 3 months"..?? Go figure! Like my other bad-ass bitch called Alice said, 'it's not your time yet I guess.." lol. That mami sure knows wat shit was she talking about. Up to many 'spring flings' or so called 'scandals' have i been into? And most of them lasts for only 3 weeks. Like seriously! What's with the number 3? 3 months,3 weeks????3 days [been there,done that hun!]
Cmon! I'm in college ho! I wanna know how a steady one feels like. I'm kinda tired of being in every corner. Jumping from one fling to another like err....jumping on trains? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one feeling like this in this world. lol..
Sometimes, I just fucking envy my sister cause she's got the same guy hanging around for 4 years now. Eventho they previously broke up and got back together after 2 years. I was (afterall) responsible for the breakup ( cuz back then I didn't think he deserves my sis-protective much)! Sometimes I just wish that someone would love me as I am. Funny thing is, even my sis has a fair share of envy wen it comes to my so-called love life. Lol..watevs!
Like I said before, I'm not's just that when you meet that someone,for some weird un-explainable reason, your heart feels empty like a hollow picture frame hung on the wall that needs a perfect photograph to complete it.
Mutual understanding is enough for me at the moment though..I couldn't as k for more. :D
Oritey then..I think that's enough for now. Tho all these blogging made me [in a way] wish that I took Mass Comm instead of Tourism management. *SIGH*
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