I'm like a mindless zombie without you.. yeah I just realized that after denying and denying that fact.
When you're not around, I become disoriented. Almost static in my movements,thoughts....
It's already 1516hrs and I'm still in the office. I've just done my pending bookings and now I'm just waiting for Bie to finish up.
Working is definately not similar to studying. If you think working is easy, think again. You have commitments to attend to and even if it kills you,
you gotta do it. Once you show your boss a weak point, you will forever be damned unless you figured out a way of cleansing yourself from the image that your boss
has stigmatized you with.
If you think that the tourism industry is all play and less work? Think again (like NatGeo's tagline)!
We have to be up to marks with what each client wants. And yes, no matter how ridiculous it can get, we still have to try and work things out.
My lecturer used to say, "We make people's dream come true by giving them the best service for their dream vacation!!" . It's damn true.
It's hard keeping up with it sometimes but like I said, we gotta bring it hunny!
So for all of you out there who thinks that being in this industry is a piece of cake, think twice. And no, it's not that I am discouraging you to even try this industry but what I'm trying to say is, whenever you travel around,think again of what went behind the scene before you traveled. Think about the hours and hours that a travel industry provider has spent time on making sure that you have a great time. So, in conclusion, you should thank the lil people that made your trip worthwhile.
It's a total comfort when we know that you appreciate the things we do.
Oh and yeah, same goes for the Hospitality line! They work as hard as we do too cause a complete vacation would be nothing without them.
Oh gosh..sumbat..better be going now. I'm hungry and lethargic.
Till then..
March 27, 2010
If The Stars Were Mine
If the stars were mine
I'd give them all to you
I'd pluck them down right from the sky
and leave it only blue
I would never let the sun forget to shine upon your face
so when others would have rain clouds you'd have only sunny days
If the stars were mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd put the stars right in a jar and give them all to you
If the birds were mine
I'd tell them when to sing
I'd make them sing a sonnet when your telephone would ring
I would put them there inside the square, whenever you went out
so there'd always be sweet music whenever you would walk about
If the birds were mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
If the world was mine
I'd paint it gold and green
I'd make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme
I would color all the mountains, make the sky forever blue
So the world would be a painting and I'd live inside with you
If the world was mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd wrap the world in ribbons and then give it all to you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd put those stars right in a jar and give them all to you
I'd give them all to you
I'd pluck them down right from the sky
and leave it only blue
I would never let the sun forget to shine upon your face
so when others would have rain clouds you'd have only sunny days
If the stars were mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd put the stars right in a jar and give them all to you
If the birds were mine
I'd tell them when to sing
I'd make them sing a sonnet when your telephone would ring
I would put them there inside the square, whenever you went out
so there'd always be sweet music whenever you would walk about
If the birds were mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
If the world was mine
I'd paint it gold and green
I'd make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme
I would color all the mountains, make the sky forever blue
So the world would be a painting and I'd live inside with you
If the world was mine
I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd wrap the world in ribbons and then give it all to you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd put those stars right in a jar and give them all to you
P/S: Thanks Melody Gardot for making this song :)
This is dedicated to my baybee :)
♥ you,always!!
March 24, 2010
Videos of The Week
Ahmad Syukri
Compiling those pics into one video was quite a task because my movie maker application kept hanging almost every half an hour. Saving my work was as painful as creating it all thanks to that faulty program. Even though I went thorough all of that, I was happy with the results. I remember , there was this one time where I was almost done making the video,I played all of it and I couldn't stop myself from tearing up. I felt so warm and touched with what I did that no words can express how much I loved it .
And based on the comments posted by my friends,
seems like they loved it and thought it was sweet.
I'm not really sure though if baybee liked it as much as my friends did.
Either it's just me or does it seem like the response I received was not
what I had in mind. Think positively Lynd!I bet he loves it but he just can't show
you now how much he does..right?
Entah. Let's just leave it that way. I'm in my roti kosong mode
anyways. I'm not really sure why but that just how I feel.
I am not gonna blame my period cause I want to stop believing on the fact/ideology
that "PMS" related tantrums and blow offs are the root of every she-devil in a woman.
I'm just trying to be as positive as I can. I'm tired of always thinking too much yet I still think too much. What the hell? Right!
Moving on to the next topic....
Can't wait to watch this!!
Though,I'm not done reading it! haha
I've always been on the same team with Edward even though there were times where I did root for Jake.Haha..Twimuch!!!
Nicki Minaj
I've been crushing on Nicki Minaj ever
since I heard her on Lil Wayne's song. She's everywhere! Check out her
rapping (and boobs)! Those dimples are my fave!
Keep on the attitude sista!
Well I'ma hafta bounce now cuz I need to do some shit.
March 19, 2010
It's been almost a week since MPG and yet I could still feel like it happened yesterday. Haha! Fun things lasts longer! But memorable ones are even greater.
It was quite a hectic week and this week has been somewhat disorganized and quite melodramatic. Things at the office lately are quite frantic with Genting's behavior of not having any more room allotments for our side. Only the travel industry people would really comprehend this long term due problem. It's really disappointing especially if you're tryna get a booking done and all you get as response is "none" or less cooperation from the other end (which in this case are my agents in India). "All I want is their passport details ,dude!!! How else do you expect me to get you the rooms if our allotments are fully utilized?!" Even though my work is somewhat head-cracking (especially if there are hard-to-please-clients on board) and quite repetitive and not forgetting almost 24/7, I still like it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hard things make it easier to digest even harder hurdles in life. Working life to be exact. Oh well, it's life!!
I have my baybee to thank for . He always lifts me up when work gets me down. Even though I know that he despises the fact that I work there but still,he has my back. Supporting me morally when I need it the most. Tomorrow is yet another challenging day as I await for my agent's decission on a file where I have made quite a major mistake on.
God,help me.
By the way, just a simple reminder to those people who are blind sided or just metaphorically blinded by something:
Can you please sedar that kalau kau cakap kau baik,sebenarnya,U ARE NOT! Kalau kau kata kau tak buat jahat dengan orang, U are WRONG! Cuba la kau teliti fakta dan kenyataan di sekeliling. Benar,bukan? You inflict pain on everyone yet you still call yourself a 'saint'? Clean from all malicious things? Memang mak kau tak ajar. Kau panggil orang di bawah kau BODOH? Sebenarnya, you're the fool all this while. Karma tak kemana. Kau tunggu dan lihat. I think I can see your future crumble. The longer this thing that you call 'cleanliness' unfolds, the bigger your dilemma is. Cut the crap about being a balloon high up in the air thing. It won't be long...
P/s: I was just being general and kepada yang terasa,no offense kay. handle it yourself!
Lyndz D.
It was quite a hectic week and this week has been somewhat disorganized and quite melodramatic. Things at the office lately are quite frantic with Genting's behavior of not having any more room allotments for our side. Only the travel industry people would really comprehend this long term due problem. It's really disappointing especially if you're tryna get a booking done and all you get as response is "none" or less cooperation from the other end (which in this case are my agents in India). "All I want is their passport details ,dude!!! How else do you expect me to get you the rooms if our allotments are fully utilized?!" Even though my work is somewhat head-cracking (especially if there are hard-to-please-clients on board) and quite repetitive and not forgetting almost 24/7, I still like it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hard things make it easier to digest even harder hurdles in life. Working life to be exact. Oh well, it's life!!
I have my baybee to thank for . He always lifts me up when work gets me down. Even though I know that he despises the fact that I work there but still,he has my back. Supporting me morally when I need it the most. Tomorrow is yet another challenging day as I await for my agent's decission on a file where I have made quite a major mistake on.
God,help me.
By the way, just a simple reminder to those people who are blind sided or just metaphorically blinded by something:
Can you please sedar that kalau kau cakap kau baik,sebenarnya,U ARE NOT! Kalau kau kata kau tak buat jahat dengan orang, U are WRONG! Cuba la kau teliti fakta dan kenyataan di sekeliling. Benar,bukan? You inflict pain on everyone yet you still call yourself a 'saint'? Clean from all malicious things? Memang mak kau tak ajar. Kau panggil orang di bawah kau BODOH? Sebenarnya, you're the fool all this while. Karma tak kemana. Kau tunggu dan lihat. I think I can see your future crumble. The longer this thing that you call 'cleanliness' unfolds, the bigger your dilemma is. Cut the crap about being a balloon high up in the air thing. It won't be long...
P/s: I was just being general and kepada yang terasa,no offense kay. handle it yourself!
Lyndz D.
March 18, 2010
Dear Baybee
I just wanted to let the whole frikkin world that I miss you terribly :(
Gambate neh on your studies..
Gambate neh on your studies..
I ♥ you sooooooo much!!
In the words of Jerry McGuire, " You complete me.."
March 15, 2010
MPG 2010 - Glorious NIght
Saturday,Mar 13 2010;-
I woke up at 7am only to find myself still boggled about where to go and what to do when in fact I knew what and where I'm heading. I packed my things and hurried to the bathroom. I knew my sis and I were gonna be late for work. It was already 7.20am and she was still tucked on her bed,dead asleep. I've tried waking her up but she just ignored me . Oh well...
At the office, things were quite slow yet one could feel the busy environment at the same time. A lot of things were popping in and out of my thoughts as I go about checking my confirmed arrival files , issuing payments and processing the new bookings. Amidst all of that,the thought of seeing my other half was the only thing that I was truly excited about. Nothing could keep me from watching the time pass slowly. I was always checking at the time and I even managed to ask our HR to check my clock in time for that day. Oh heck! I was just a minute late from the grace period but I had to cover up 1 extra hour. I received a text from my beau at around 1-ish telling me that he was on the way to BB. I got out of the office around 2pm and walked alone to Kitaro. After half an hour and a lot of chats , I got hungry and so I just had a burger.
A few nibbles later, I just passed what was left of the burger to my beau cuz I couldn't finish it. I just managed to take around a quarter out of that thing and the rest was history. Haha!
We were literally chasing time so we hurried back to K2 and the thought of entering the place with no hassle was like malignant & on my mind until some point where it just disappeared(which was actually the time when we arrived there) . We took the LRT from Dang Wangi to Setiawangsa and Acap picked us up from there. He looked funny and lacked of sleep. All thanks to the wall climbing eh,Acap? Haha.I was looking around the surrounding area until weirdly enough , I managed to take a few minutes of nap on the backseat while Acap & baybee were chatting every now and then.The moment I woke up,we already arrived and baybee asked me to go to Zaza's room. Remembering a number after waking up from a snooze was quite a challenge but I managed to find it within no time. I called Zaza's name and entered her room and found her blood-red gown (which reminded me of my 18th bday gown-but it was pink),her roommate and her juniors grooming her up.It didn't take me long to get dressed though. I changed from my Love As Arson shirt to a woven cotton shirt dress from Forever 21 and just made a few touch ups and yes finally, we were ready to go. Tok & Kek were already waiting for us downstairs. We got outa the room and when we got down, Zaza kinda looked left and right before we hurried to the car. LOL. Inside, we talked and talked (even mentioned that if the food was bad,we'd go to Pizza Hut instead) until we got to our destination .
I began to feel quite nervous and I think Zaza was too but we were all good. In between registering and waiting for the others o arrive ( we received goody- bags with a t-shirt inside), we took quite a heck loads of pics from the dinner reception to the pool but it was mostly her with different people. I was more of the person behind the scenes . The girls really looked gorgeous with the gowns and dresses. Though I felt quite under-dressed, I was glad that I wore that cause at least I didn't have to worry about anything falling off or just being plain "rimas" . FYI, I don't really fancy wearing gowns or evening wear so I usually opt for the semi formal type (wink wink). Zaza also introduced me to a few of her friends which included Wani,Shafiq & Raju. After the photo sessions, we went in to the hall and waited for the others to arrive. We took a bunch of pics again and around ten or fifteen minutes later,baybee,Acap and Meri (preferably pronounced in the French accent) came. They were accompanied by Nadia & Aza. Their entrance was more memorable than the VIP's since it seemed like one of those walks you see in a Korean/Japanese movie or series.The front liner was none other than Mr.Yakuza himself with Nadia by his side (looking all princess like :) ) . I wanted to laugh when I saw them enter but I just grinned and enjoyed the 20 seconds walk of fame. LOL.But at the same time I was amazed by how stunning they all looked especially my baybee. He was the first person I noticed and followed by Acap (Yakuza yeah?!) and Nadia. Baybee looked really stunning in that black shirt.
Moments later, the event started. It opened up with a video montage on the event and it was followed by the grand entry of the VIPs and a Silat performance. Luke rocked doing all those moves. Next in line (in no particular order) was the long winded opening speeches (we were all counting on hearing "akhir kata..blablabla..sekian" part) and the other performances which was done during dinner.The food was alright by the way! I think it's safe for me to say that the person who had the most rice on his plate was Acap. He was really starving! After dinner was served, along came the good/funny parts. First off,after the countless search for the next victim to "interrogate" the MC spotted Zaza and she was asked to sing. We were all cheering for her as she sang the first two lines from Miley Cyrus' The Climb. Although it was quite nerve wrecking to be called in front of a crowd but she managed to pull it through like a pro! Kudos to you ,Zaza!! Next, after numerous draws ,Acap & Kek won from the first few rounds of the raffle draw. We found out later that night when Acap opened the gift that it was a towel packed in a chocolate box. LOL. I was the last person from our table to win and it was the biggest (and the most obvious).It was funny though since I was quite unaware that the MC was actually calling my number. All I remember was the part where I raised my hand,went to the stage (nervous as shit- idk why) and just going down after claiming my prize,with a big and wide grin all the way. The event ended around fifteen minutes later and it was photo sessions again. Haha!! Not long after, we joined Acap & sent Meri,Nadia & Aza back to the hostels.
All in all ,it was the one memorable night and I'm glad I was part of it. Although the event was not as crazy but it was our table that made it unforegettable. No doubt,son!!
And apart from that, that night will always be in our list.
Pics from the event!!!
*The Bag I won*

*The Shirt*
*L-R : Baybee,moi,Zaza,Meri & Acap*
*Baybee & moi*
More pics are available in my FB. Till then,TTYL!!
I woke up at 7am only to find myself still boggled about where to go and what to do when in fact I knew what and where I'm heading. I packed my things and hurried to the bathroom. I knew my sis and I were gonna be late for work. It was already 7.20am and she was still tucked on her bed,dead asleep. I've tried waking her up but she just ignored me . Oh well...
At the office, things were quite slow yet one could feel the busy environment at the same time. A lot of things were popping in and out of my thoughts as I go about checking my confirmed arrival files , issuing payments and processing the new bookings. Amidst all of that,the thought of seeing my other half was the only thing that I was truly excited about. Nothing could keep me from watching the time pass slowly. I was always checking at the time and I even managed to ask our HR to check my clock in time for that day. Oh heck! I was just a minute late from the grace period but I had to cover up 1 extra hour. I received a text from my beau at around 1-ish telling me that he was on the way to BB. I got out of the office around 2pm and walked alone to Kitaro. After half an hour and a lot of chats , I got hungry and so I just had a burger.
A few nibbles later, I just passed what was left of the burger to my beau cuz I couldn't finish it. I just managed to take around a quarter out of that thing and the rest was history. Haha!
We were literally chasing time so we hurried back to K2 and the thought of entering the place with no hassle was like malignant & on my mind until some point where it just disappeared(which was actually the time when we arrived there) . We took the LRT from Dang Wangi to Setiawangsa and Acap picked us up from there. He looked funny and lacked of sleep. All thanks to the wall climbing eh,Acap? Haha.I was looking around the surrounding area until weirdly enough , I managed to take a few minutes of nap on the backseat while Acap & baybee were chatting every now and then.The moment I woke up,we already arrived and baybee asked me to go to Zaza's room. Remembering a number after waking up from a snooze was quite a challenge but I managed to find it within no time. I called Zaza's name and entered her room and found her blood-red gown (which reminded me of my 18th bday gown-but it was pink),her roommate and her juniors grooming her up.It didn't take me long to get dressed though. I changed from my Love As Arson shirt to a woven cotton shirt dress from Forever 21 and just made a few touch ups and yes finally, we were ready to go. Tok & Kek were already waiting for us downstairs. We got outa the room and when we got down, Zaza kinda looked left and right before we hurried to the car. LOL. Inside, we talked and talked (even mentioned that if the food was bad,we'd go to Pizza Hut instead) until we got to our destination .
I began to feel quite nervous and I think Zaza was too but we were all good. In between registering and waiting for the others o arrive ( we received goody- bags with a t-shirt inside), we took quite a heck loads of pics from the dinner reception to the pool but it was mostly her with different people. I was more of the person behind the scenes . The girls really looked gorgeous with the gowns and dresses. Though I felt quite under-dressed, I was glad that I wore that cause at least I didn't have to worry about anything falling off or just being plain "rimas" . FYI, I don't really fancy wearing gowns or evening wear so I usually opt for the semi formal type (wink wink). Zaza also introduced me to a few of her friends which included Wani,Shafiq & Raju. After the photo sessions, we went in to the hall and waited for the others to arrive. We took a bunch of pics again and around ten or fifteen minutes later,baybee,Acap and Meri (preferably pronounced in the French accent) came. They were accompanied by Nadia & Aza. Their entrance was more memorable than the VIP's since it seemed like one of those walks you see in a Korean/Japanese movie or series.The front liner was none other than Mr.Yakuza himself with Nadia by his side (looking all princess like :) ) . I wanted to laugh when I saw them enter but I just grinned and enjoyed the 20 seconds walk of fame. LOL.But at the same time I was amazed by how stunning they all looked especially my baybee. He was the first person I noticed and followed by Acap (Yakuza yeah?!) and Nadia. Baybee looked really stunning in that black shirt.
Moments later, the event started. It opened up with a video montage on the event and it was followed by the grand entry of the VIPs and a Silat performance. Luke rocked doing all those moves. Next in line (in no particular order) was the long winded opening speeches (we were all counting on hearing "akhir kata..blablabla..sekian" part) and the other performances which was done during dinner.The food was alright by the way! I think it's safe for me to say that the person who had the most rice on his plate was Acap. He was really starving! After dinner was served, along came the good/funny parts. First off,after the countless search for the next victim to "interrogate" the MC spotted Zaza and she was asked to sing. We were all cheering for her as she sang the first two lines from Miley Cyrus' The Climb. Although it was quite nerve wrecking to be called in front of a crowd but she managed to pull it through like a pro! Kudos to you ,Zaza!! Next, after numerous draws ,Acap & Kek won from the first few rounds of the raffle draw. We found out later that night when Acap opened the gift that it was a towel packed in a chocolate box. LOL. I was the last person from our table to win and it was the biggest (and the most obvious).It was funny though since I was quite unaware that the MC was actually calling my number. All I remember was the part where I raised my hand,went to the stage (nervous as shit- idk why) and just going down after claiming my prize,with a big and wide grin all the way. The event ended around fifteen minutes later and it was photo sessions again. Haha!! Not long after, we joined Acap & sent Meri,Nadia & Aza back to the hostels.
All in all ,it was the one memorable night and I'm glad I was part of it. Although the event was not as crazy but it was our table that made it unforegettable. No doubt,son!!
And apart from that, that night will always be in our list.
Pics from the event!!!
*The Bag I won*
*The Shirt*
*L-R : Baybee,moi,Zaza,Meri & Acap*
*Baybee & moi*
More pics are available in my FB. Till then,TTYL!!
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